A Virtual Men’s Shed?
Different people enjoy different aspects of our Boys Living Forever (BLF) activities. Some like to reminisce about past ‘glorious times’ while some like to think about and discuss where the future is going. But one thing that seems common for all of us is:
We want to be free to live it up now, do what we want to do when we want to do it and, essentially, enjoy life and have fun!
I personally like to do ALL those things and don’t think too deeply about it. I am sure others do too.
We have local BLF members but we also have many others located all around the world who participate in this ‘Virtual Men’s Shed in the Clouds‘.
The BLF offers mateship, a variety of interests and topics and provides links to boys from vastly different walks of life and professions. It also provides each of us an avenue for advice, learned discussions and, importantly, support in times of need.
I hope that the name we chose – Boys Living Forever – and the circulated articles and jokes reflect this.
The Editor
The BLF Rules
Lyn Oliver
Subscription fee:
None. Just contributions to events such as lunches, rural tours and other social events arranged by the local BLF members.
As agreed by the BLF members.
Entry requirement:
Nominated by BLF member.
Max. no.:
No limit.
World wide via internet.
Responsibility for publications:
Web Master can veto content of submissions to Web pages or emails.